After meteorologist Dylan Dreyer and husband Brian Fichera welcomed their son Calvin, the two planned to eventually expand their family. However, as Dreyer revealed to TODAY's audience, conceiving wasn't as easy as they hoped. Dreyer suffered from secondary infertility, which led the 38-year-old to miscarry. While the condition affects about 3 million women in the U.S. (per TODAY), few discuss secondary fertility, which inspired Dreyer to share her struggles publicly.
"So many women are going through their own fertility issues, and I want to open up the conversation to get us all talking instead of sneaking onto that baby chat room and scrolling endlessly through the comments hoping to stumble upon someone going through a similar situation as us," Dreyer wrote in April 2019. "Well, here I am, putting myself out there, and maybe it will give just one other woman the motivation to keep plugging along."
"If there's one thing I've realized during my short time as a mom, we have very little control of what happens," she added. "The only things we can hang our hats on are love, faith, and support. If we are strong in those three things then it helps to accept the things we can't control." Ultimately, the couple conceived naturally — right before her first IVF treatment — and welcomed their second child in January 2020. Still, Dreyer was proud to share her family's struggles in the process.